发现普恩特对我们普恩特人的影响,因为他们分享了他们的故事 and a consejo (some wisdom).

¡Once a Puentista, Always a Puentista!

Sara Cuadra Acree

My heart and soul are forever linked to PCC and the Puente Project. I could never have imagined that I'd have the career and enjoy the success that I've had so far 他来自一个只说西班牙语的家庭 single parent on welfare. It is both an inspiring story and humbling journey. I am a Puentista for life.

I often think of the following poem: 
"Courage wears a crimson coat trimmed with trappings bold. 
Knowledge dons a dress of note, and Fame's is cloth of gold.
Far they ride and fare they roam, much they do and dare. 
Gray-gowned patience sits at home and weaves the stuff they wear."

Patience is the real secret to success. A long-term plan with dedication and sacrifice.

Brenda Aguilar

Puente gave me friends and a support system throughout my time at PCC. I still keep 和普恩蒂斯塔的同事们保持联系,看到我们已经走了多远真的很令人惊讶. 大学实地考察是我最喜欢的,因为我可以去不同的地方参观 campuses and see if I could picture myself there. Joining Puente was the best decision I made :)

Take your time! Ignore society's pressure of obtaining a Bachelor's degree in 4 years. 重要的是你完成了,你花时间去探索不同 majors. It's not uncommon to switch majors and I feel the best time to explore all your options is while you're at PCC.

Melva G Alvarez

普恩特计划为我创造了一个安全而勇敢的空间不仅是为了探索我的墨西哥语 同时也与其他拉丁美洲国家的学生交流 about transfer, goal setting, and how we are in "La Lucha" together. Puente helped me transfer from PCC to USC as a 1st generation, parenting, Chicana. My Puente familia 总是告诉我,我可以完成任何事情,即使有那么多人背弃了我 on me because I was a teen mom. Gracias y adelante!

Remember YOU are your most important cheerleader and mentor. You must keep learning from your mistakes and celebrate your accomplishments. It is vital that you convince 你自己100%值得你的努力和承诺去解放自己 education.

Gabriel Constantino Aparicio

Puente Project gave me a sense of belonging. College felt like home where dreams were achievable. Together with friends from different backgrounds striving towards our goals.

Sueña grande and do not let anyone tell you it is not possible.

Eric Martin Bustamante (Boost)

Puente was my gateway to the education system. It provided the resources to understand the education system as a whole. It also provided support and mentorship to foster my success.
Lastly, I've met some of my best friends via Puente. Both friends and Puente helped me establish my own Latinidad.

No is not an acceptable answer. If someone tells you no, find another person. Eventually, someone will tell you yes. Stay true to yourself, follow your vision, and you will succeed.

Luis Campos

Puente指导我完成了转学过程,并激励我实现学业目标. It was through Puente that I realized I wanted to pursue a career in STEM. Puente also provide social support through the friendships I made with my classmates.

Work hard and dream big. Everyone’s academic path is different but as long as you put in the work and keep focused on your goals anything is possible. Find the motivation you need to accomplish your goals. My motivation were my parents. Knowing that my 我的父母为了给我一个机会,离开了他们在墨西哥的家乡 at a better life motivated me not to fail. It was my love for my parents that helped me out the most when I felt like giving up.

Nathaniel Carbajal

普恩特项目是在我的教育和个人生活中支持我的第二个家庭 growth. Puente gave me the tools to believe and love myself.

My suggestion to all puente students to: 1) ask for help when needed. 2) join and 尽可能多地参加机会——实习、俱乐部、组织.

Juan Pablo Carreon

PUENTE Counselor Ms. Rosas Motivated me to not only give back to my community, but to the PUENTE Project. I cannot believe it has been 20 years since I participated in PUENTE DE PCC. PUENTE saved my life! It gave me the tools to succeed beyond PCC. 它激励我在社区中有所作为,并寻求咨询方面的职业. 我很高兴我有幸担任普恩特顾问/协调员 for the last four years and make a positive impact in the lives of my students. PUENTE is not a job; it is my life, energy, and what has made me the person I am today. I am also grateful for my PUENTE Mentor. Ms. Kathleen Rodarte always went out of her 帮助我申请大学的方法是免除申请费, 开车送我去邮局寄我的大学申请,而且总是毫不犹豫 provided me the tools/resources I needed to succeed. Gracias and Rest in Paradise Kathleen Rodarte. Once a Puentista, Always A Puentista!!!

Never forget or be ashamed of where you come from. Your lived experiences are the ventajas/assets, which will carry you to success. Remember to bring along your familia and comunidad in your educational journey. Once successful, go back to your comunidad and give back. The way we change our society is by uplifting others and providing them the resources they need to better themselves. Always utilize your resources and NEVER, EVER be ashamed to ask for help from your PUENTE FAMILIA! SI SE PUENTE!!!

Debanhi Escobar Carbajal

Puente has impacted my personal and academic life. The Faculty & Staff introduced me to a world of learning that looks like me and understands me. Puente helped me realize my ambitions and confidence as a scholar and future educator. Puente is where I found myself and my forever friends/Familia. Puente will always have a special place in my heart.

Have an open Mind & Heart, and Puente will provide you with a wealth of opportunities to grow.

Miguel Florencio

My life is great because of the Puente Project. This program gave me the opportunity 在学校担任领导职务,这使我在我的 college education and career. However, the best thing I gained from the Puente Project are my best friends. Sharing the same classes helped us bond and grow together, and we continue to support one another to this day. I would not be where I am today without them.

Advocate for yourself! You are deserving of that internship, that dream job or promotion. 我知道追求巨大的目标是令人生畏的,尤其是如果你 are the first in your family to pursue higher education or first-generation. Keep 向前走,这样你就可以为后来者创造一条更容易接近的道路 you. Also, if no one has said this to you today: I believe in you!

Jacquelyn Hernandez

Puente helped me feel comfortable to be in college. It was full of supportive people, who then became Mi Familia. The professors/ counselors/ mentors all made my college experience much more easier. They all believed in me and made sure I pushed myself when I was struggling. Although I don't see all of them anymore I will always be grateful for each and one of them.

You will not regret joining Puente!!! Si se puede.

America Jimenez Leon


It is not about how fast you get there, its the climb. Enjoy the journey.

Kimberly Marquez

Puente impacted my life greatly. I wouldn't be where I'm at, professionally, if I had not been recruited by Elsie Rivas Gomez to join the Puente Project. She was always 教会我们如何克服教育和社会障碍. Puente helped me reach what I didn't think was possible.

相信你自己,知道你的每一步都有普恩特家族的支持 of the way. Don't give up. Every hurdle is worth it!

Aranzazu Medellin Guerrero

Coming out of high school I was at a crossroads with my education. The Puente Project for me became the hope and resilience I need to rebuild my confidence. It has forever impacted my life and allowed me to see that with great determination and passion, 我可以继续影响我的社区,为实现转型而努力 BIPOC.

Be fearless, go for your dreams and turn them into reality. Allow yourself to make mistakes, and always ask yourself what can I learn from this experience? Love yourself! 记住,一旦你停止质疑,你就不再挑剔,变得循规蹈矩. So always question things, especially when they don't sit well with you, you will learn and grow.

Violet Medina

I am forever grateful to have been able to participate in the Puente Project. I was 我高中就辍学了,我真的很想在学校取得好成绩,但是我不知道 how. 在老师的鼓励和帮助下,我学会了成功所需要的东西 and believe in myself. The friends in my cohort also made me realize I wasn’t alone. We supported each other and made lasting friendship.


Jose Munoz

The Puente Project supported me all throughout my time at Pasadena City College. Puente made me feel a sense of belonging and it also helped me grow as an individual. I met amazing individuals who I now consider them Familia. If it wasn't for Puente and everyone I met there, I wouldn't be in the position I am today.

Just like life, your educational journey will have ups and downs. There will be setbacks and you will fail occasionally. It is important to not give up on yourself and on what you represent. Remember that you never lose, you either win or learn.

Erick Peraza

Puente club gave me a sense of belonging in higher education. Being able to network 遇到志同道合的人给了我继续我的教育的信心 a first generation college student. Also being a board member for the club and then president in 2015 strengthened my leadership skills.

Everyone's college journey is different. Always be kind with yourself and stay resilient.

Lucy Plascencia

普恩特让我的社区大学经历成为我学习和成长的机会 and realize my full potential. The resources, support and cariño I received from Puente stayed with me and made me feel like I mattered. I was challenged to take risks, to dream beyond expectations and to succeed as a familia. I was believed in and then believed in myself; and for that I am always grateful to Puente.

Not every experience is the same and that is what makes Puente so special. Every person in your cohort, (including you) comes with a story and challenges they have faced. 你们都是来互相学习的还有你们敬爱的教授,要有同情心 as you do so! This journey might be a difficult but also a beautiful one.

Miriam Guadalupe Plascencia

加入普恩特项目是我在PCC遇到的最好的事情. Being a part of the project was honestly a life saver. Puente provided me with the resources, connected me to people and programs that changed my life. I have made lifelong friends because of this program. As the first person to go to college in a family 5岁时,我不知道自己在做什么,但参与这个项目让我有了家的感觉. My classmates were folk I related to and that meant the world to me; if it wasn’t for the Puente Project I really don’t know what path my life would have taken. I am forever grateful for everyone who was there for me during those years. Thank you to all the past present and future Puentistas.

我对现在和未来的普entistas的唯一要求就是不要害怕,要问所有的问题 the questions they have and to ask for help. Some of us are not used to asking for help or questioning the system and people; that needs to stop.

Valeria Plascencia

The Puente Project gave me a sense of community at PCC. The support of the Puente Counselors and English Professor, guided me to where I am today. I am proud to say I am a Puentista!

Don’t give up, it will all be worth it in the end! Keep striving!

Valerie Roque

通过朋友、导师和整个社区,普恩特帮助我建立了自己的基金会 for success. And through Mrs. Rivas-Gomez latinx literature, I learned to take up space in which I once felt compelled to shrink in.

Visit your professors more, schedule office hours and build relationships. Trust the process, its different for everyone.

Yliana Ruiz

普恩特不仅对我的学业成功至关重要,而且几乎是我人生的开端 of my success professionally as well. With Puente’s support, I sharpened my leadership skills and have seen the rewards in my career. In addition to all this, the mentoring has lead to lifelong learning and endless success.

¡Sigan adelante! The road to success does not come with a blueprint, but it does leave marks along the way. I am proof that being homeless, being a single mother, and working 2 jobs to break barriers IS possible! Allow yourself to scream and cry when necessary; once you’re done, get back up so strong that even el Diablo says ¡hay Dios mío ya se levanto otra vez!

Eduardo Sanchez

Puente heightened my awareness of culture and the power of the written word. Puente 把我介绍给了了不起的双极镜作家,他们一直影响着我的生活 day.

Treat your academic journey like a business. It’s expensive so get the most out of the work and your professors.

Angie Solis

作为PCCs Puente项目和俱乐部的一员,我接触到了不同的机会和 我可以以不同的方式参与其中,尤其是为自己辩护 in education. Puente has inspired me to pursue a career in higher education and more specifically college counseling and student affairs. I think that the biggest thing 对我来说是学习如何为自己辩护,这个项目真的让我学会了 我明白,虽然机构不是为POC尤其是为妇女设立的 shouldn’t discourage me from doing it anyway!

我认为我能给一个普恩提斯塔人最好的建议是,要有勇气,要有勇气! 你在走自己的路,有时我们可能会为此感到内疚,因为 你要么离开家,要么走出你的舒适区,但如果你感到舒适 then you’re not growing to your full potential!

Steven Solis

The Puente Project gave me a second chance at my education. The staff and members provided the confidence I needed to attempt college again. A puente counselor was 亲切地接待我,不加评判,这给了我坚持下去的勇气. I will take this with me everywhere I go.

Learn all you can about yourself and play to your strengths.

Jacquelyn K. Trejo

我的教育历程、事业和成就都不会显露出来 weren’t for puente. It was puente who made me realize my cultural positionality, strengths and abilities. It was puente’s leaders, students and mentors who led the way. It was puente who is now leading this future Doctora at USC Rossier. It was puente who impacted my life in education!

There is only one of you, one life. Find your purpose, find your strengths and achieve everything your heart desires. It won’t be an easy journey, do it to fulfill your dreams.

Antonio Varela

普恩特项目为我从PCC毕业提供了学术咨询 and transfer to Cal State Los Angeles. Through the program I exposed to Latinx/Chicanx 文学,这让我了解到我自己的历史是如何与艺术联系在一起的. 我和像我一样的年轻人建立了联系,他们发展了学术写作 他们也鼓励我的同学追求更高的境界 education.

阅读历史、散文文学和来自你所在地方的学者的诗歌 and your ancestors came from. Write, create, develop your voice, and share with your community. The world or community needs you now for the future.

Alejandra Yanez

I would not be where I am today without having been a part of Puente. I would not 有勇气或信心参与领导角色,然后离开 from my family to attend college in San Francisco without the support of Puente. As 作为第一代墨西哥裔美国人,我害怕离开我的家庭去寻找自己的路 in life. I was supported throughout this process by my mentors and friends in the Puente program. The people that I met are like a second family to me. I love my Puente people and I consider them loved ones. I have confidence in myself and the work I do because of what this program instilled in me from the very beginning. Gracias a Puente si pude.

Keep pushing yourself even when the going gets tough. You are stronger than you know. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s okay to say you need help.